Who are the NAVP?
The National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists (NAVP) was established over 30 years ago. Membership to the NAVP is via an accredited, externally validated university animal/ veterinary physiotherapy qualification at BSc or PgD/MSc level. Applicants must have passed all theory and practical exams and assignments set by the university, they will have passed three robust clinical exams before graduating and will have completed a skills log; a series of practical competency tasks designed to examine the students practical knowledge and their ability to assess and treat cases, and a series of clinical placements. On qualification and acceptance into the NAVP, graduates are mentored for their first 12 months by senior NAVP members, after which time they will become full members. Once accepted as members of the Association, graduates must adhere to our Conditions of Membership, Code of Conduct and Continuing Professional Development programme.
All members have professional and public liability insurance and work with veterinary referral/permission. The NAVP also have a complaints procedure which may result in disciplinary action. Any veterinary surgeon may be assured that if they use an NAVP member they will be using someone who has completed a rigorous clinical training and is part of a professional association whose priority is the welfare of the animal and to provide vets and owners with the highest standard of knowledge and care.
Further information may be found on our website www.navp.co.uk or by contacting Laura Stevens (NAVP secretary) navpsec@yahoo.co.uk